Plan a custom holiday to El Salvador stress free
Looking for a custom made package that fits your individual needs? Let us plan your next trip, you don’t have to worry about anything, we got you covered.
You are one step away from paradise
We’re going to get back to you within the next 24 hours with a custom itinerary.
How does it work?
Choose your dates
Tell us your desired dates of arrival and departure so that we can check availability with the hotels.
Tell us about your trip preferences
First time in El Salvador? What kind of things are you interested in? Food, volcanoes, beaches?
Get your custom itinerary
Our team is going to work on creating a fully customized itinerary for your next trip to El Salvador. We’ll be outside of the airport waiting for you!
Why you'll love this trip:
- In depth slower paced journey combining iconic activities with local flair
- Tunco Life is a 100% local owned tour company with +5 years of experience taking care of travellers.
- RESPONSIBLE & SUSTAINABLE tour operator. Our staff is our extended family. We ensure they are supported financially by offering them a fair salary.